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Hair Removal Tips and Tricks

1 Apr

Most people remove their hair by disposable razors. This is a simple, quick and painless method to remove hair from the face and body. Unfortunately depending on your hair growth this process becomes a daily thing. While it’s fast to shave off body hair within the shower, or in the morning after you brush your teeth, having it as a daily occurrence can be annoying. There are some solutions that can help keep your hair in check and extend or completely remove the hair completely.



The go to solution for hair removal outside of shaving. This process pulls the hair out from the root which extends the time between when you will see hair growth back on your body or face. The trick to making it effective as possible is to ensure you hair is a little longer to help grip and pull from the body as well as ensure that you skin is a little dry and you don’t have any cuts or scrapes where you plan on removing the hair. After waxing you can use Kalo Hair Inhibiting Spray to help with after care and ensure you slow and reduced almost completely the hair growth from returning. Also keep away from intense heat such as saunas, hot baths, jacuzzis and bikram yoga as this will provoke burning feeling on your skin.

Laser Treatment

While one of the more expensive options for hair removal, it is one of the more effective. Laser hair removal is a treatment that uses lasers to target the roots of hair underneath the skin’s surface. Though it’s not guaranteed to be permanent, a majority do experience permanent hair removal after a series of treatments. You can ensure that these treatments help make the hair removal permanent by using Kalo Hair Inhibitor which will ensure that you won’t see the hair again. Since lasers can remove hair for anywhere from several months to years and the results differ widely from person to person using Kalo helps greatly to ensure you keep the hair off.

Sugaring / Persian waxing

sugar-paste-936814_1920Sugaring is often compared to standard waxing. During the process, a sugaring substrate sticks to and essentially removes hair without attaching to the skin. Unlike waxing though the sugar can be applied at room temperature which in turn reduces the risk of burns or irritation. There are several methods to sugaring such, as the strip method, all of which will remove the hair from the root. Keep in mind that if you have the process done professionally there are some distinct differences between home and professional-use sugar paste. The majority of store-bought products contain wax, while homemade pastes often utilize sugar and other natural ingredients.

Epilators / Threading / Tweezing

Similar to waxing this approach pulls the hair out from the root. This is easily the most painful method, yet it requires the least amount of leg work to get started. Prices can range from absolutely expensive for higher end at home epilators and salon visits for threading, ranging down to comparatively cheap as a pair of simple steel or sharp plastic tweezers.

An epilator is an electrical device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping countless hairs together and pulling them out. This removal is similar to waxing although it doesn’t pull on the skin in the same manner and depending on the person require less afterwards care. This approach tends to be quite painful at first go so you may want to have the area waxed alternately then epilation to wipe out regrowth as it comes in.

Facial Hair Removal

Threading has a few different techniques. These include the hand method, mouth method and neck. Each technique has advantages and disadvantages, you can learn more about each when you visit the salon on the specifics and what you are looking to do. Threading allows for a more defined and precise shape and can create better definition for places such as the eyebrows.

Tweezing is the most straightforward and is great at targeting single or small batch of unwanted hair, however for larger areas it would take too much time to pick away and may be best to use other methods mentioned in the article. If you are targeting a small batch of hairs on the face and want them gone completely ensure after you tweeze the hair that you apply Kalo inhibiting spray or lotion to reduce the hair growth and eventually help stop it completely.


As with all three options which method you pick is up to you and your comfort level. The best part with these methods is that they pull the hair out but leave optimal room to fill the open follicle with Kalo to inhibit the hair’s regrowth. This greatly reducing the chances you need to repeat any of these processes for a long time, if ever again.


This is a chemical method to remove the hair that breaks down disulfide bonds on the keratin in the skin. This way the hair can easily be scraped from the skin. This method while painless can lead to irritation if the chemical is left on too long. Do not use it on the face unless it is specifically stated for use on the face. It is a quick and inexpensive process but the foul order and quick regrowth time (2-5 days) of the hair can be a detractor. They are commonly available in gel, cream, lotion, aerosol, roll-on, and powder forms.

What’s left?

There are several options you can use to trim or remove hair from the body or face and the lis can continue about all the pros and cons of each as well as personal preferences.. Always be sure that the method you are using is comfortable, safe and within your budget. Strongly suggest not using epilator or diploties on the face as this may leave scarring or damage. Fortunately if you are planning or remove the hair completely you can supplement your removal process with Kalo to help stop and then never worry about hair growth in unwanted areas again!


Emjoi Epilator – Best Hair Removal Method

29 May

Emjoi-Emagine-EpilatorWe have had a lot of people asking us what the best hair removal products are and what the best methods of hair removal are. The Epislim Epilator was mentioned in our last post for hair removal for small sensitive areas like the bikini line or under arms. Now were are going to talk about epilators in general and hopefully answer any questions you may have about them.

Emjoi is an American company that sells epilators of all shapes and sizes. Nisim International is lucky to be a distributor of their products for Canada and the US. The Epilator can look extremely intimidating and to be honest, quite terrifying, at first. The first use of an epilator can be uncomfortable because it is a new feeling to your body. Many epilator users say they became accustomed to the feeling after the first few times and would never go back to shaving!

Epilators are like a bunch of tweezers that spin and pull several hairs out all at once. Unlike shaving, you get the root and unlike tweezing… well, could you image tweezing every single hair on your leg, one at a time? Thankfully, the epilator takes no longer time than it does to shave your legs. All you do is make circular motions with the device directly on the area you want to remove hair. The epilator pulls away at the hairs, right at the roots. Do you know what that means? Well, it means that those little unwanted hairs won’t grow back near as fast as they do with shaving!

You may be asking why not just wax since it is the same, but it’s not! The epilator is a one-time purchase and unit that you can take anywhere with you. You don’t have to make an appointment at the salon or buy new wax and waxing strips for at home.

There are several types of epilators. Some pull more hairs at once, while others go faster but hurt a little more, some have lights, and some are just simple basics. Have fun and try different ones to see what fits your needs best! Our two most popular epilators are the Emjoi Epislim and Emjoi Emagine.  The Epislim is used on smaller areas such as bikini line, female upper lip. The Emjoi Emagine is our most efficient epilator with 72 tweezers removing your hair at a time, it is the fastest epilator in the world!

After removing your hair with your Epilator of choice apply Kalo Post Epilating lotion or spray 3 times the day of hair removal and 3 times the next day. This will slow down the hair regrowth and prevent about 10% of the hairs from growing back at all after each epilating session.

Free Kalo Hair Removal Spray

28 Mar

Kalo Hair Inhibiting Spray

For a limited time only we have a very special promotion happening on GiGi hair removal products and Kalo Post Epilating Spray. If you buy 3 sets of GiGi Hair Removal Strips for the body or 1 GiGi Brazilian Waxing kit we will include 1 Kalo Post Epilating Spray($57.40 value) for FREE. This is an amazing deal that you do not want to miss out on.

gigi waxing strips for body

Buy 3 GiGi Hair Removal Strips for the body get 1 Kalo Spray for Free


Gigi Brazilian Waxing kit

If you buy 1 GiGi Brazilian Waxing Kit, you will receieve 1 Kalo Post Epilating Spray($57.40 value) for Free

***This promotion is for customers in the USA only.

What is Kalo?

Kalo is a true permanent hair removal product. Kalo does not need to be used for the rest of your life. In fact you do not even need to use Kalo every day. Just apply the soothing lotion or spray after your regular hair removal method. whether that is electrolysis, waxing tweezing, laser hair removal etc. Hair should be removed by the root. Kalo is applied three times the day of the hair removal and three times the next day. There is no need to use Kalo again until the next hair removal session. Each time you use Kalo the hair will come back weaker, finer and slower until the hair is completely gone. Once the hair is gone it is gone!

Kalo is effective in reducing or eliminating ingrown hairs and shaving bumps. Our new Ingrown Hair Treatment is a standalone product to prevent and eliminate ingrown hairs.

The most common areas to remove hair from are:

– Facial Hair – upper lip, eyebrows, chin, sideburns
– Leg Hair
– Under Arm Hair
– Back Hair
– Chest Hair
– Pubic Hair/Bikini Line
– Ear Hair
**Kalo is also very effective at slowing the hair growth down when used after shaving.